August 29, 2020 • Fall Update
Hello, reader?

Things are opening up here in Albuquerque... ever-so-slightly.

As September looms next week I will be part of a group show at GalleryABQ, in September (card below). This show will feature works from Photo Salon de New Mexico. Members include: Pat Berrett, David Duplessie, Kean, David Vogel, Carol Mell, Kevin Black, Liz Blasingame, Greg Smith, Wendy Kappy, E.E. McCollum, and me (Tim Anderson). All covid guidelines will be in force.

One of the participants in the above exhibit, David Duplessie, will be having another opening at Modities, just down the street from OT Circus, October 2, 2020. I'll have more on that, later.

Over at Shadow & Light Magazine, we have a very popular call-for-entry in place, with just a few days left to enter. Kevin Black was the 2019 winner and had one of his images grace the cover of that issue. Who will have their image on the cover for this Special Portrait Issue 2020? Could it be JP Terlizzi (above) or you? During the last week we expetienced some system challenges, so the deadline has been extended. Click on the card below for additional information and to enter. Extended deadline: September 2, 2020

As most of you know I have moved my creative space to a location just across the street from OT Circus. On September 12, 2020 there will be a special event at OT Circus, as well as in the parking lot of my studio. Click on card, below, for additional info...

Check the Tim Anderson Studio card below to see what I am up to and what I will be offering to creatives, like you!

It's not what is in front of the camera that counts, it's what is behind the camera that makes the difference!

Be well,
TAS Door Sign-horiz-large-web