Happy New Year, reader

Color It Red 2020 Last Notice!

The deadline for Color It Red 2020 is tomorrow night (midnight!)... there will be no extension... so, time is a-wasting. Dale Niles (image, above) is in. Are you next? You could be on the cover of the March/April 2020 issue of Shadow & Light Magazine!

Send up to 10 images. Let me know if you choose to enter less, so I don't have to contact you again.
• All images need to be 100dpi, 8x10-inches (or equivalent), jpg/tiff. If you are chosen as a finalist, you will be contacted to submit higher resolution images for the print issue of Shadow & Light Magazine.
• I recommend sending all files through "wetransfer.com" ... it's free and easy.

For additional information and to view the Color It Red 2019 Gallery please click here.

This contest has turned into the most popular one we run all year. I guess that is because of the prizes. Sure... we could offer money. Sure... we could offer tangible prizes (we might!). But... we don't. We offer something even better. The Grand Prize winner will receive the cover of Shadow & Light Magazine, plus a Q&A with publisher, Tim Anderson, which will go along with a 10-12-image portfolio in the March/April issue of Shadow & Light Magazine.

This is even better than ever because not only are you featured in the PDF version, but we have added a print version of the magazine as well!

There will be other portfolios from at least six Color It Red 2020 finalists.
If you are just entering, please click on the PayPal link below, then go ahead and send your images.

Click on the PayPal link below to enter for only $20! You can enter now and send images later. All who enter will receive a notice with image information, etc.
PayPal Button
Thank you, one and all for your support!
Tim (tim@cygnetpress.com)