March 19, 2020 • Issue XXIX
I know. As we tip-toe into spring, our whole environment is struggling. As I write this I am home, practicing social-distancing. Actually, it's not much different than when I am in my office/studio. I'm in a room, by myself. I have my list of tasks. I have calls to make. Pandora is on, and I am listening to the Gretchen Peters channel. One of my faves, Patty Griffin, is singing "Trapeze." Kind of appropriate, dontcha think?
While we are doing our own version(s) of self-quarantine, it might be a good time to organize ALL those images and folders, clean equipment, watch those videos you have set aside, and be helpful to others. Good luck to each and every one of you.
Color It Red 2020 results: All the votes are in, the judges have been awakened and are ready to announce the winners of the Color It Red 2020 call-for-entry. Here they are! Grand Prize Winner: Fran Forman (Shadow & Light Magazine Cover, above) Color It Red 2020 Full Portfolio: David Duplessie Color It Red 2020 Full Portfolio: Barbara Cole Color It Red 2020 Full Portfolio: Karen Tillison
Color It Red 2020 Full Portfolio: C.E. Morse Color It Red 2020 Full Portfolio: Patti Christakos Color It Red 2020 FullPortfolio: Lori Pond
Color It Red 2020 Mini Portfolio: Barry Brukoff
Color It Red 2020 Mini Portfolio:Barbara Leven
Color It Red Single Image Showcase Winners: Dennis Jones, Diane Wiseman Linscott, Thomas Boblett, Mark Indig, Vared Galor, Rhonda Spidell, Dale Niles, Susan Phillips
You can subscribe now, at the link below, to receive this issue and five others at the very low price of only $10/annual six issues. You will also receive the current January/February 2020 issue at no additional charge!
It's not what is in front of the camera that counts, it's what is behind the camera that makes the difference!
Here comes the sun…and Solarcan’s ready to grab it!
Many strange-looking cameras have been produced but Solarcan may be the weirdest, yet. And, certainly, what it’s made to do gives it a leg up on all the others.
It's a bird…it’s a’s Solarcan!
Basically, it’s a pinhole camera with a twist (curved to be more exact), made to record the transit of the Sun, for a day, a week, a month—even a year or more. The image it produces shows how, as the seasons change, the sun takes a different path across the sky each day.
Editorial: 'The world is ending, why are you still writing about cameras?'
Back then we were still working from our main office here in Seattle, and still mostly going about our normal lives.
One of us was on vacation in New York, and one of us was preparing for a short holiday outside of the country. One of us was planning a wedding, in May. I can't remember what I was doing, but I'm sure it was trivial - it normally is.
At the risk of adding more mud to the landslide of hyperbole that has so far characterized 2020, all of that now feels like a different world.
Overcoming a Saturated Photography Market: Tips for Standing Out!
So I think we’ve all been there. You decide that you want to become a photographer and then you start to notice that EVERYONE and their grandma is a photographer, and charging 50% less than you charge. Yikes. Let’s face it, we don’t need a degree or to invest $100,000 into our business (which in many cases will scare someone off).
If you have a camera and some guts, you can start a business overnight. So how do you keep from getting discouraged when you see the endless advertising from local photographers? Let’s cover what you can do to stay positive and stand out in a saturated photography market.
How to Turn a Portable Scanner Into a Digital Back for Large Format Cameras
Sean from Fotodiox has created a fun step-by-step guide that will show you how to turn any portable scanner into a 4×5 digital back for large format cameras. DIY lovers, get your tools ready, this is both simple and effective.
The original idea came from prolific Instructables user Randy Sarafan, who posted his own guide on creating a scanner-back for large format cameras about a year ago.
Free sample chapters of The Heart of the Photograph-by David du Chemin
I wrote The Heart of the Photograph to explore what it means to think like a photographer. To think more creatively about line and light and moments, and to more boldly explore the use of other tools as well—devices like juxtaposition, depth, visual mass, framing, mood, mystery, scale, balance, and tension.
These are the tools we use in the photographs themselves to give the subject its best expression, to give it its best shot at clearly and powerfully saying what you want the image to say.
... this is a great video and a fantastic offer! (ed.)
Canon EOS R5: 5 things we do know, and 5 things we don't…
We recently visited Canon UK for a first-hand look at the Canon EOS R5 – the manufacturer's groundbreaking new full-frame mirrorless camera that has sent the industry into a bit of a tizzy. The Canon EOS R5 was announced a month ago, and with it were announced the key specs: 8K video, 20fps burst shooting with electronic shutter, 16fps burst shooting mechanically, dual card slots, in-body image stabilization (IBIS).
These are the things we already knew – and they're already enough for this to potentially be one of the best mirrorless cameras, as well as one of the best cameras for filmmaking.
Horses have been a part of human culture for thousands of years. Wild horses are even in prehistoric cave paintings, and since being domesticated, they’ve only grown in importance. Although cars and tractors have made horses less common in modern society, they’re still a big part of art and culture.
Like dogs and other domesticated animals, horses are great subjects to photograph because they carry so much meaning. They can inspire feelings like peacefulness and nostalgia. Even if the viewer has never personally ridden a horse, they’re likely to have seen a movie or read a book with horses, which the image can bring back.
How to Make the Best of Your Time as a Photographer When You Are Forced to Stay Home Alone
Considering that a fairly large portion of you may find yourself, like me, staying home due to current events, I thought it might be a nice moment to discuss one of the best ways you could be spending your time.
And while the current pandemic makes this particularly timely, I was also motivated by the most recent campaign I shot just before the world flipped upside down.