March 28, 2020 • Issue XXX
Hello, reader
Shelter-in-place is continuing. This is a very strange time when abnormal seems to be the new normal. Social distancing is silencing the streets. So, I need to get off my butt and send a newsletter about our favorite subject, photography!

The image above came about while I was doing my share of sheltering-in-place. I had just finished a few online projects, and sat down in the dining room, when I saw a pair of glasses resting on a table.

There are times when I just want to drink my coffee/wine/gin & tonic in peace and quiet. My mind would not rest, my hands started to twitch. My body rose. I grabbed my camera... the shot happened.

Sometimes we just need to get over ourselves and grab that camera. Grab the shovel. Put on the gloves. Do what we're supposed to be doing. Paint. Write. Photograph. Fulfill the passion. Grab the desire. CREATE! It's what you and I do. This is a perfect time for that. There is not much else we can do. Right? Take some time out of each day and grab a shot. My camera is sitting by the back door, waiting... send your images (here) and I will place them on the Shadow & Light Magazine site.


As most of you know the results if Color It Red 2020 have been finalized and are up on the Shadow & Light Magazine site, here. If you would like to view the Gallery, simply click on the Color It Red 2020 tab, and then on the Gallery link.
Reminder: While we are doing our own version(s) of self-quarantine, it might be a good time to organize ALL those images and folders, clean equipment, watch those videos you have set aside, and be helpful to others. Good luck to each and every one of you.
It's not what is in front of the camera that counts, it's what is behind the camera that makes the difference!


Shadow & Light Magazine Bundle V available!

Containing Issues 29-34, this bundle includes the Color It Red 2020 special issue as well as our "Portraits" issue. More than 40 fine art photographers are represented, along with E.E. McCollum's compelling writing, Alain Briot's marketing expertise and Steve Immel's personal reflections about life, filtered with a bit of photography.

You will receive the last 6 issues for only $10!

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40 Masterful Examples of Photo Manipulation

Like HDR, photo manipulation can provoke strong opinions among photographers. Some photographers avoid it and stick to the basics of editing. Others love pushing the limits of Photoshop. In our opinion, neither side is wrong or right. They’re simply two different approaches to art.

That being said, photo manipulation is definitely more controversial than unedited photography. Photojournalists, in particular, are warned against manipulating images. As the NPPA’s code of ethics says, photographers should “not manipulate images or add or alter sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects.” Though, of course, photojournalists still do.

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7 Tips for Stunning Fine Art Macro Photos

My favourite thing about macro photography is that it allows you to spot beauty in details that most people miss.

When you get closer to a subject, your images can become quite abstract and unusual. And that makes for some really interesting shots.
And the best part? You don’t need specialised macro gear. Some cheap adapters can turn your camera into a perfect macro set up.

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There is Light, After Dark!

The Dutch post-impressionist painter once said in a letter to his brother Theo, “I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.”

Some of his paintings such as Starry Night reflect his thoughts written in this letter. Fast forward 131 years and his vision about the night sky still applies today especially when it comes to digital photography.
Submitted by Mike Noonan

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25 best movies about real photographers

Have you burned through your watch list on Netflix and Prime Video? Well, don't worry – we've put together a list of the 25 best movies about real-life photographers.

There are some fantastic movies, documentaries and biopics here, covering everyone the likes of David Bailey, Robert Mapplethorpe, Annie Leibowitz and Helmut Newton, and featuring Hollywood heavyweights from Nicole Kidman to Robert Pattinson.

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10 Popular Point and Shoot Film Cameras for the Compact Shooter

We’ve all heard the sage advice that the best camera you have is the one with you, and for many people, it’s their smartphone. Others still prefer an actual camera, albeit a small one that they can bring everywhere, instead of a bulky DSLR. A mirrorless camera makes for an easy choice if you’re a digital shooter.

If you’re curious about film cameras, you must have heard of two increasingly famous but also insanely expensive models: the Contax T2 and Yashica T4. But if those are way beyond your budget, you actually have plenty more options.

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How to Repair Corrupted Videos Shot on Digital Cameras and Other Devices: A Step-by-Step Guide

Earlier today, I thought about playing some videos that I shot on my digital camera during my last vacation. Sadly, every time I tried to play them on VLC or Windows Media Player, I got a gray or green display on the screen instead. I realized that my videos were corrupt and thought of digging up and finding an ideal solution for it.

To be honest, after some failed attempts, I was finally able to repair my corrupted videos. If you have also encountered a similar situation in the past, then you may learn something from my experience. Read on to find out how.

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Get Something Out of Staying In: Ideas for Isolation

Photography can provide plenty of ways of keeping yourself entertained and committing yourself to a project now might be a chance to emerge with new skills and new ambition when things start to get back to, well, whatever future normal looks like.

This is the first part of a series where we'll put forward ideas for things to do. But we want your input, too. Throughout this article will be links to forum threads where we look to hear your suggestions.

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Luna Press, Joseohine Sacabo, Srtuctures of Reverie