December 6, 2023 • Update 10
Winter is just around the corner, reader
Note: You are receiving this notice first because you have expressed interest, even if a passing one, in my new "Signature Coaching Course, Developing Your Creative Vision." And, also because you have been a continuing supporter of Shadow & Light Magazine. Please read below to see where the Course is at this point. With this latest revision in mind, we will begin the Course on January 4, 2024. Enrollment will close December 20, 2023. You will have first dibs on a "seat." This notice will go out to the general photo public 12/14/2023. There are only 5 seats available, and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
I look forward to meeting each of you and I will probably learn as much, if not more, than you. This could very well be an experience you and I will never forget. Join those who have already signed up.
• Your continued input for the "Developing Your Creative Vision" class has assisted me greatly in creating an experience that is fresh, educational, immersive, and with a bit of fun thrown in for good measure.
That input has enabled me to see that I needed to shift the actual start of the program to the first of next year. There is simply too much coming up that will interrupt the class, including my recent total-knee replacement, the Holidays, etc. For this to work properly it needs to be sequential and with as little disruption as possible. After the New Year it will be easier to accommodate a regular pace for the classes which is something I should have thought of initially.
This is your chance to take another look at this offering and let me know what you think, now that you have some breathing room. I am open to comments and considerations. Click here for additional information. Don't be bashful. You have questions... I have answers.
Be sure to go to the bottom of the linked page to take advantage of the Very Special Offer. 'Nuff said!
With my Signature Zoom Coaching Program, you will receive one-to-one guidance and a mixture of homework assignments to keep you engaged and enthusiastic. Video links to photography-related projects will be sent, periodically. There are only a few spots left!
Previous student comments:
"It was an excellent class and I enjoyed the creative environment the instructor provided. The class assignments were focused and helpful." DP
"I did come out of the course 'Seeing with a New Eye.'" BJ
Image: Alone, ©Lonnie Gallegos, Class of Spring 2022
If you have any challenges with any of the links, let me know. Tim...