July 6, 2024 • Issue 84
Happy July 4th Weekend, reader!

Well, the entries for "The Horse" have been sent to the judges, and we should have the results soon! Are you in? I would like to thank all who entered the call-for-entry. If you aren't a subscriber, now is a good time to subscribe because not only will you receive The Horse issue as your first subscribed issue but you will also receive the current issue at no additional charge! Keep your fingers crossed...

Image from entrant Tori Gagne

Here's the link if you can't refuse this offer.

• I had been thinking about doing this for many years and the time has finally come. In an effort to continue with my downsizing project I have decided to pass on some of the truly great images I have acquired and collected from contemporary photographers over the years. A couple are no longer here but their wonderful images will continue to be passed along. It was not an easy decision to make, so rather than turning the images over to an auction house, and after talking with a few of my friends, I decided to offer them to you, my subscribers, who have supported me in so many ways over the years. Some of the names from this collection: Susan Burnstine, Carola Clift, Marc Hauser, Louie Palu, Brigitte Carnochan.

Take a look here to view the images...

• One-2-One Coaching returns for the summer Only 1 space left! I have taken the summer off from teaching to work more closely with photographers who want to take their image making to the next level. I have been offering this series for a few years and am amazed at the results (see comments on my site). I will be accepting 6 students, for an individualized training, who have the desire to take the next step to being the photographer you know you can be! The regular fee for this course is $450 for 6 one-hour sessions, in person or through Zoom. For this special summer series I will be offering it for only $350 for subscribers to "The Journal." Gift purchases accepted!

For additional information and to sign up, click here!
Note: The Single Image Showcase will skip an issue, to make way for "The Horse" Special Issue, July/August 2024. It will return for the September/October issue.


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Astrophotography guide for July 2024

Astrophotographers can start working immediately in July. Yes, the hours of astronomical darkness are short in the northern hemisphere, but the month has begun with night skies that are, at least, free from moonlight. This month, there are many stunning wide-field shots, from the youngest moon and planetary alignments to the Delta Aquariids meteor shower and the mesmerizing Milky Way arching across the sky. There's also a chance to capture a rare occultation of a bright star.

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Top Coast Close-Up Photography Tips

Learn how to take great close-up shots with your point-and-shoot camera or smartphone with the help of these top tips. We're focusing on coastal photography but the advice can be applied to other locations, too.

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Is Photography a Numbers Game?

I’m not sure precisely when I crossed 100,000 photos, but I’m well past that mark now. In another few weeks, my Lightroom catalog will hit 200,000. Even these might be rookie numbers if you’re a sports or wildlife photographer, or if you’ve been doing wedding photography for a while.

Yet, from my mass of images, I’ve displayed less than 5% on Photography Life over the last ten years. Not even 0.1% made it into my portfolio – meaning that I’d be lucky to take one photo in a thousand that’s actually worth printing. (Plus, I usually photograph slow-paced landscapes; when I do wildlife photography, my keeper rate is much, much lower.)

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Sony World Photography Awards

With its unparalleled reach, the Sony World Photography Awards elevate the careers of photographers to the next level. Since the beginning, the Awards have championed inclusivity and access by being free to enter. Acting as an insight into photography today in all its diversity, the Awards spotlights photographers telling the stories of our time.

Enter free, now!

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Real photo took two honors in an AI competition

Miles Astray is a multidisciplinary artist who writes about and photographs the world as he travels. When invited to submit a piece in the artificial intelligence category of the 1839 Awards photography competition, he decided to make a statement.

"I had seen a few examples over the last couple of years where people had entered AI art into real photography competitions, most notably last year at The Sony World Photo Awards, an AI photo won the creative category there. I thought, why not turn this story around and enter a real photo into an AI competition?" Astray told CBS News.

Thanks: Mike Noonan

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100 Photographers From Around the World That You Should Follow Right Now

The world is a little more beautiful when you know how to capture it, and photographers from all over the globe use their camera as a paintbrush to fill the canvas of life with breathtaking masterpieces. Social media platforms like Instagram are tailor-made for shutterbugs to put their work out there and inspire the next generation of artists. The problem isn’t that there aren’t enough talented photographers – the real issue is finding the standouts among countless amateurs and professionals.

(-ed.) If you want to see and know what is going on around the world with top photographers, you may want to follow the link.

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