Happy Vacation Time, reader!
I just returned from a few days visiting my sons and their families in Washington State. I had an absolutely wonderful time and was able to get in many hikes, which my titanium knees really enjoyed! I definitely need to step up my game as far as getting out on the trail is concerned. I trust you have had some time to get out in our great countrysides and made a multitude of images. Sometimes, it doesn't really matter whether or not you produce images that are "gallery ready." It is a very worthy pursuit just to get outta da house!
• Announcing a new book! Due to the popularity of our current issue, "The Horse," we will release a companion book as a PDF and it will also be available in print, through the same platform as Shadow & Light Magazine is wonderfully printed. This book will feature portfolios from the magazine as well as select, invited photographers. It will be all about horses and will contain no commercial ads. Final prices are yet to be determined, but you can (of course!) pre-order at the great low pre-sale price of only $10.00! This PDF release should be ready in about 3 weeks, as long as the rivers keep receding!
• I have been thinking about doing this for many years and the time has finally come. In an effort to continue with my personal downsizing project I have decided to pass on some of the truly great images I have acquired and collected from contemporary photographers over the years. A couple of them are no longer with us but their wonderful images will continue to be passed along. It was not an easy decision to make, so rather than turning the images over to an auction house, and after talking with a few of my friends, I decided to offer them to you, my subscribers, at great price levels because you have supported me in so many ways over the years. Some of the names from this collection: Susan Burnstine (image: Bridge to Nowhere), Carola Clift, Marc Hauser (deceased), Louie Palu, Brigitte Carnochan, Kat Moser (deceased).
• This week I will be placing these images online. If you are at all interested in picking up one of my collector prints contact me before Wednesday (7/31), noon (MST). At that time I will be placing them online for sale to the general public.
• If you like this newsletter, please forward it to a friend of like mind!
Stunning winning images from Digital Photographer's Dark Nights contest
For its competition in association with Photocrowd, Digital Photographer magazine challenged you to submit your best Dark Nights images. After working through all the entries, the winners have been selected.
6 Ways To Challenge Yourself & Improve Your Photography In The Process
If you're looking for a way to improve your photography skills then a challenge is probably right up your street. To give you some inspiration on how you can challenge yourself next time you're heading out with your camera here are 6 shooting suggestions that'll get your grey matter working a little harder.
17 Photography Trends To Watch Out For In 2024
When it comes to current trends in photography, experimenting with emerging artistic methods and testing alternative tech can make a huge difference in your work. If you’re aiming to excel in this constantly evolving field, keep reading. This article will delve into photography industry trends in 2024.
7 Steps to Grow Your Brand as an Artist
There is art, and then there is the art of business.
As with any business, you must have a viable product or service to market and sell; something that people want, that intrigues them, that they just “need to have.” I have found some artists are conflicted with seeing their work as “product.” I get it, but you want to sell your work, don’t you? From a business sense, your art is product.
A Journey with the Photographic Mind
The photographic eye can perceive great compositions, notice patterns, find great light. But what of the photographic mind? The thoughts, the wishes, and the imagination – the idea of scenes dripping with the golden drops of sunlight? How does the photographic mind influence your style?
The Best Online Photo Printing Services
Suburban America used to contain roughly one 1-hour photo lab for every 500 people. Little kiosks were sprinkled across strip mall parking lots like pepper on a bad steak. Then came the digital camera, and suddenly there was no film to develop. Those kiosks abruptly disappeared, taking our photo printing options with them. In place of the 1-hour photo booths, there are endless online printing services, most of which produce far better results than those kiosks ever did. Unfortunately, some of them are truly awful at printing your images.