September 27, 2024 • Issue 88
Happy Fall, reader!

I trust you have put your shorts and sandals in the proper bins and the sweaters and flannels are where they need to be. We have having much cooler mornings in Albuquerque (50s) and I like it! I get to do my bike ride in the morning.

You can take advantage of the annual subscription to Shadow & Light Magazine of only $10 annual/6 issues, and receive the November/December 2024 issue as your first subscribed issue and also receive the current issue, "The Horse," at no additional charge. Click here if you can't pass up this great deal!
Announcing a new book! Due to the popularity of our current issue, "The Horse," we will release a companion book as a PDF and it will also be available in print, through the same platform as Shadow & Light Magazine is wonderfully printed. This book will feature portfolios from the magazine as well as select, invited photographers. It will be all about horses and will contain no commercial ads. Final prices are yet to be determined, but you can (of course!) pre-order at the great low price of only $10.00! This PDF release should be ready in about very soon, as long as the rivers keep receding!

If you would like to take advantage of the very low pre-sale price, click here!

• At Shadow & Light Magazine, we are working on a new call-for-entry, A Step Up! This will be an offer to our readers and supporters who haven't been published in a nationally-recognized photography magazine to have their turn. If you have a relative or friend who might fit that description, you can enter them and it will be a great Christmas or birthday present!

Additional information coming soon!
Image: Tori Gagne, Grace

Now enjoy the selection of photography news & views from around the world!

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Kate Winslet talks Lee Miller biopic

With the biopic of American photographer Lee Miller opening at theaters in the UK today, star Kate Winslet has spoken about the many challenges faced by Lee – both for the real-life Miller, as a female war photographer covering the atrocities of concentration camps, and for Winslet trying to get a film about a woman made in 2024.

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The Best Online Photo Printing Services

Suburban America used to contain roughly one 1-hour photo lab for every 500 people. Little kiosks were sprinkled across strip mall parking lots like pepper on a bad steak. Then came the digital camera, and suddenly there was no fil to develop. Those kiosks abruptly disappeared, taking our photo printing options with them. Developing film isn't commonplace today, but the desire to have our favorite photos on the wall has never faded.

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The Emotion and Experience of Analog Is Creating a New Generation of Film Photographers

The analog photography resurgence is in full swing, impacting camera makers and photo retailers in various ways. Beyond brand-new film cameras launching, demand for older, used film cameras is also growing.

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Top 15 Famous Contemporary Photographers

The world of contemporary photography has much to offer in terms of showcasing the development of artistic practices in the 21st century. Since the democratization of photography and image-making, including the advancements of modern technology, there have been countless opportunities for artists to explore and experiment with photography. In this article, we will review the top 15 most famous contemporary photographers of all time, whose works expand on the dynamic possibilities of photography and shed light on pressing concepts and themes relevant to our current context.

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Visual Echoes: The Threads of Personal Style in Photography

The camera sees more than the eye,” Edward Weston said, “so why not make use of it?” We saw evidence of that in so many of the thousands and thousands of images entered in our 16th annual photo contest. It’s never easy selecting a winner, but, after lengthy deliberation, we’ve made our choice.

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Why It's Important To Diversify Your Revenue Streams as a Photographer

Even as you keep your eyes on a singular prize, it can sometimes pay to spread out your offerings to form a firm base.

As I write today’s article, I am simultaneously preparing for a big day tomorrow. Is it a massive photoshoot? No. Is it a dream meeting I’ve been trying to get for a decade? No. Instead, I am knee-deep preparing a syllabus for a part-time film course I’ll be teaching at a local college this coming semester, which begins tomorrow morning.

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Additional Links...
How Kodak invented the “snapshot” (video)
Mark my words: Apple will regret saying this about photography
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