Just a short notice to let you know what is coming up
at The Artistic Image and The Gallery
Now that summer is just about over and we continue to receive good amounts of rain, for which we are VERY thankful, it is now time to get back the the business, education, and entertainment sides of photography.
The Gallery is beginning to gain momentum, mainly because we are maintaining a great record of sales. Throughout the fall/winter months we are almost completely booked with the exception of the first couple of weeks of October. You can see the line-up below, as well as what is coming up in workshops from Kevin Black, Maria Hanley, and Tim Anderson.
• Many of you might be wondering about Kenneth Ingham's "New Mexico Artistic Nude Photography Show." Well, it is slated to open in March of next year. You can keep up-to-date with this great show, here.
If you have any questions, let us know. (Bob or Tim)
Please forward this notice to all your friends, associates, etc.
The Gallery @The Artistic Image Listings (details subject to change)
• David Duplessie (photography) In the Kitchen September 8-22, opening September 8, 4-6pm At David's last show here, he sold more than half of what he was exhibiting!
October 20-30, opening October 20, 4-6pm This will be Edna's first exhibit at The Gallery, so let's be sure to come out and show her that we appreciate her work, and might even like to hang a few pieces on our walls!
• Maria Hanley (photography) Group Show The Beauty in and Around New Mexico November 10-23, opening October 10, 4-6pm This is a group show with Maria and some of her best students, who each sold peices at their last show!
• Ann Hart Marquis and Sarah Anderson (painting) December 1-22, opening December 1, 4-6pm Both Ann and Sarah have done well with previous openings regionally. Let's do what we can to show them that this is the best gallery in Albuquerque!
• Rebecca Bourcier (photography) January (dates to be decided)
Upcoming Workshops
(details subject to change)
Kevin Black Tin-Type Photography/Wetplate Workshop September 18, 2018, 10am-3pm (approx.)
Appproximately 4-6 hours (10am-3pm) Cost: $250/class, $40/materials $40/classroom/darkroom/studio per student Total: $330 4-6 students (4 minimum) The Artistic Image 1101 Cardenas Dr. NE Suite 101
• Intimate Portraits (date to be decided) • Sidewalk Saturdays (monthly) • Nuance: The Art of the Studio Nude (illustrated, date to be decided) All workshops held at his studio. Click here to find out more.
Maria Hanley Creative Floral Photography Workshop
September 15, 2018 The Artistic Image