This is a very subtle reminder that the exhibit, Tim Anderson & Friends, opens this Saturday. It's going the be a great opening with 21 prints, all priced the same and printed at similar sizes. All work is new...
The photography of Tim Anderson and two photographers he has been working with will be on display at The Gallery @The Artistic Image (address below), May 11-25, 2019. The opening will be May 11, 2019, 4-7pm
Tim Anderson, Photographer and Coach, is proud to work with David Duplessie and Maria Montserrat Zendejas, to help them produce work that is compelling and intriguing.
David has been working with Tim for almost three years and has produced work that is very collectible. His first show was a great success as he sold more than half of the works on display. Working “up close and personal” he enables us to see what we mostly miss in the hustle and bustle of daily life, even giving us reason to pause and take a closer look.
Working with Maria for almost one year, Tim has been able to take what was already a very good sense of composition and give it deeper meaning and to bring out the quality of work and talent he already knew was waiting to be exposed. Maria’s sense of intrigue is evident in her work, whether that be of people who Tango or those of more subtle subjects, such as singular corners of the personalities of those she photographs. This will be her first exhibit, although when you see her images you might wonder, "where has she been!".
Tim has been a photographer for more than 40 years and has been exhibited widely. His current focus is on sharing that well-acquired knowledge by mentoring those who are passionate about their art and not afraid to put in the time and effort necessary to make it bear fruit.
He is the publisher of the photography magazine Shadow & Light Magazine, as well as several arts-related newsletters for clients.
- All work will be available for sale. In an effort to not make the exhibition process not as financially daunting as it can be, for the artist as well as the collector, all prints will be exhibited without mats or frames and with GoodHangups, which are magnets that attach the prints to the wall surface and do not damage the prints or the wall. All works are new images and every image will be priced the same.
- When an image is sold, the purchaser can take it home with them! After the show image stock will be replenished.
Image above: "Leading Lines #3802" David Duplessie
• If you are thinking about having a show at The Gallery, let us know as soon as you can so we can schedule it, accordingly.