Hi, reader

Artistic Image Swap & Shop

June 30, 2018, 10am-4pm (update)

There are only a couple of tables left. Doors will open at 8am for set-up, and no sales are to be made until 10am, when the doors are open to the public. We are keeping a list of names for those who will have tables reserved. You will be checked in for setup. If someone is going to do the sale for you, let us know. We will need their name.

If you have any questions, let us know. (Bob or Tim)

On June 30, 2018, from 10-4pm you can do just that. The Artistic Image will be hosting its First Annual Swap & Shop. This will be the place where you can bring all your extra gear (Yes. I know it's hard!) and let it go for some more money so you can go out and replace what you sold. Remember, it's what we do!

We are offering tables at only $10/each. One person, one table. We will be accepting the first 15 people who respond to this notice. You will also be able to sell excess prints (no frames). The prints can be hung utilizing the push-pin approach or in bins.

Please keep the prices low so you won't have to take anything home.
Main items to consider:
• Cameras/accessories/equipment (tripods, lights, backdrops, etc.)
• Photo Books & Magazines (some free!)
• Camera Bags
• Matted and unmatted prints (no frames)
• If it is related to photography, bring it!

Let's make this a GREAT ANNUAL event, and a fun afternoon!

Click on the button below if you want to reserve a spot. Payment can be made at the time of the event, or sooner if you want to drop by the offices at the address at the bottom of this newsletter. Please make checks out to "The Artistic Image."

Please forward this notice to all your friends, associates, etc.