July 7, 2022
lgallegos-5-final-02-Assign 4 Pic 4
Good News, reader!

I'm teaching a new class: Photography: Creating a New Vision!

Yep! I finally decided to do it! I have jumped into the world of online teaching, which is not exactly a new thing. I have been thinking about doing this for quite a while and finally decided to just simply do it!

• Do you have a desire to create more meaningful images?
• Do you want to spend less time in that pursuit?
• Do desire to create gallery or home-wall worthy pictures?
I can help!

After teaching photography and poetry for a few years, both online and in-person, I have decided on creating an online photography course so that I can reach more people. I will be working with each student to uncover and reveal the artist that is underneath the shadows, the drama, the lack of confidence, and the over-abundance of fear. We will make this journey together, because I will learn just as much as you.

You may remember that I mentioned this in The Journal 61, last week. There was a good deal of interest as more than 40 people clicked on the link. You can view the complete updated outline on my personal site, here. If you would like to join what may well be a transformative journey for each of us from the comfort of our own space, you can sign up through PayPal on that page as well.

On that page you will find all you need to know (hopefully). As a "soft launch" this class is only open to current subscribers and followers of Shadow & Light Magazine, and The Journal. It will not be released to a wider audience until the next class is announced. The price for this class is an introductory fee ($250) and will be raised for the next session.

The class will be limited to 12 students on a first come, first served basis.

• Registration will close August 1, 2022.

psst: Did I mention there will be fun included at no extra charge?

Image: Lonnie Gallegos, above, former student

Thank you!