For almost one month we have worked diligently to scour the Internet in an effort to bring you photographic artists who are among the best in the world. With that in mind, Marta Orlowska has been chosen as the new cover artist for Shadow & Light Magazine, March/April 2015.
She has a beautiful, content- and image-rich site that was a deciding factor in our choice. Art Director, Ann Hart Marquis, and I (Tim) wove our way through almost one-hundred sites to select Marta. During that search, however, we also came away with several other artists who may grace the covers of future Shadow & Light Magazines.
The “Showcase Portfolio” photographers have also been announced. Lucas James, David Quinn, and John Custodio will each have a portfolio of 10 images displayed in this issue. As of this writing we are still deciding on the finalists for the “Single Image Showcase” winners.
If you click on the “Submissions” tab above you will discover all the information you need to know in order to submit your work. All that information was previously spread across three pages. Taking a closer look at the site this weekend, I realized that it was all very confusing.
There will also be no more deadlines for submissions for future issues. Once you submit your work it will remain in our archives. If you didn’t qualify for a “Showcase Portfolio,” we might choose one of your images for the “Single Image Showcase.” That’s why submitting to the portfolio makes great sense! All fees for submissions will remain the same.
We hope you enjoy the changes we are making in an effort to make navigation and reading as easy as possible.
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