A little while ago when my car was broken into and my bag was stolen, of course I was not very happy.
The fact that my camera, tablet and smartphone were in the bag didn’t help the situation. It had taken a while to find the absolutely-perfect bag.
As you all know finding the right bag that can carry your gear as well as a few other odds and ends is a must. It doesn’t matter the cost, if the bag fits, that’s all there is to it!
I recently received the Tenba Cooper 13 Slim camera/messenger bag (left) and was quick to judge it. It looked small, almost like it would burst if I even put a limited kit in it as well as a tablet, business cards, etc. I was dead wrong!
Like a lot of bags these days, there is a removable insert for your camera equipment, room for a few paper notebooks, cords, batteries, and a lot more.
Besides the surprisingly-roomy interior, there are plenty of zippered compartments, an easy access top zipper for quick access to the interior compartment, and a slip-through strap on the back for efficient attachment to a roller case. What more could you want? Well, we are photographers; very creative people. With that in mind we may also need room for sketch-pads, pens and pencils, erasers, and the like.
No worries!
At the present time, when I want to go out shooting I carry my Sony a6000, with an 18-55mm zoom attached, a 55-210mm zoom, a battery grip, charger, and the regular assortment of cords and batteries. It all fits nicely in the removable compartment. For the times when I have a meeting to attend that doesn’t require a camera I simply lift out the photo-sleeve and I’m good to go.
Besides the fact that the bag doesn’t shout, “Hey, I’m a photographer!” means that I can slip through crowds without a worry about theft.
The construction is solid, the included shoulder strap is comfortable, and it even has a smaller strap for a quick pick-up, and it is one stylin’ bag. One really nice feature is the main flap that covers the bag. By pulling downward on it the Velcro strips are quite a bit quieter. No more loud announcements about camera gear being lifted out.
There are, of course, too many other great features that would take up a lot more space. You can read more and pick one up at the link, below. This one’s a definite winner!
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