SLM-54-July-August 2023Grand Prize Winner for Shadow & Light Magazine Color It Red 2023 is JP Terlizzi! His image of "When Words Take Flight" is on the cover!Other winners are: Bobbi Lane, Daryl Black, Lawrence Shapiro, and Willa Davis round out the Color It Red 2023 Showcase Portfolio (10 images) winners. Winners of the Color It Red Mini-Portfolio section (4 images) are: Brigitte Bourger, Greg Smith, Mark Indig, Neal Pierman, and Steve Immel.How about these: Single Image Showcase Winners are: Cetwya Powell, Derry Lubell, Douglas Dubler, Judy Guenther, Ilene Fox, Frida Getzel, Judy Hancock, Jarmo Honkanen, Karen Tillison, Kathleen Gerber, Liz Blasingame, Mara Zaslove, Stephen Mimms, and Terryl Allen.