Single Image Showcase 2024

Shadow & Light Magazine • Single Image ShowcaseUp to 12 artists will be featured in each issue of Shadow & Light Magazine displaying new work, along with appropriate links to enable you, to connect each viewer with questions about you process and to even (hopefully) purchase your work.

For only $250 $175 you will be able to have a full page (with links!) to showcase your work in each issue for six issues. That’s only about $30 per issue for a full page!

First come, first served!

This is an excellent way to place your work in front of those who matter in photography. Each issue of Shadow & Light Magazine is sent to galleries, museums, publishers, and other professionals in the field.

• Never been published? This is your chance to be seen by more than 2,500 viewers, collectors, gallerists, publishers, and more!

We will begin the Single Image Showcase 2024 in the May/June 2024 issue of Shadow & Light Magazine, along with a current gallery of participants on this page.

Featured in past issues:
Lewis Anderson, Barbara Cole, Barbara Collins, Jack Curran, John Custodio, David Duplessie, Susan Hillyard, Andrew Ilachinsky, Rosanne Olson, Wendi Schneider, Elizabeth Siegfried, Janney Claire Alexi, Terri Gold (pictured), Lori Pond, Kean, Karen Schuenemann, and others.

Single Image Showcase Image: Terri Gold

Click the PayPal button to put your work in front of more than 2,500 subscribers, curators, gallerists and publishers for only $175!



Thank you for your support of Shadow & Light Magazine!


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