It’s Time!
The free issue and the reduced rate subscription period is over. Thank you for your participation. Now, it’s time to move on the to the new issue!
If you would like to continue to be informed about future issues of Shadow & Light Magazine, please sign up on the sidebar.
The November/December issue of Shadow & Light Magazine will be available November 5, 2014. You will be able to purchase single issues at $2.50 and the regular subscription rate will be $12.50 for one year (six-issues).
Thank you,
In the November/December 2014 issue:
Featured Photographer: Barbara Cole
MarketPlace: Alain Briot
Backstage: Brooks Jensen, Lenswork
Showcase Portfolio: Karen Schuenemann
Turning Pages:
Jennifer Schwartz: Crusade For Your Art
Jill Enfield: Jill Enfield’s Guide to Alternative Processes
Showcase Portfolio: Steven Bundy
OnSite: Brooke Shaden
Showcase Portfolio: Jarmo Honkanen
The Tao of Photography: Andrew Ilachinsky
Road Warriors: Reid Callanan
Single Image Showcase Photographers:
Dolores Smart, Tanja Mamas, Lon Bixby, Kimber Wallwork-Heineman, H. Tom Davis, Mara Zaslove, Lori Pond, Bjorn Daempfling, Barry Brukoff, Chris Johnston
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