Special rate for limited time! $5 for up to 10 images…

We all know that 20% of the world controls about 80% of the world. It can also be said that 20% of professional photographers command 80% of the content we read about photography. Their names are frequently in the magazines, on the web, in the news, etc. Our goal at Shadow & Light Magazine is to “expose” as many of the 80% who are unrecognized, and bring them to the pages of Shadow & Light Magazine in full 10-page portfolios for a very nominal charge. Read the info below and send in your portfolio for consideration.

Please read specifications at the bottom of this page.

If your work is selected for publication the benefits are many and can include increased visibility, exposure to gallerists, curators, publishers, collectors, etc. See below to enter your portfolio for only  $5, for a limited time. Click below to pay. Images can be sent within two weeks!

This submission fee is for regular submissions only and not for special calls-for-entry: Color It Red, Portrait, Black & White, etc.

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For those of you who are interested in submitting work to Shadow & Light Magazine, we accept submissions throughout the year, with no deadlines. All work is juried by our editorial staff which has more than 100-years cumulative experience in the professional photography and fine art fields.

When submitting to Shadow & Light Magazine there are two main things to consider. First is the aesthetic or content that you are going to submit. The second is the technical considerations (how do the files need to be prepared). Please DO NOT send submissions via Goggle Drive. I don’t have access to it.

shadow-and-light-magazine-computer personmputer-person-1Aesthetic: There are two approaches to portfolios. In the first you are trying to show a range of work and your range of skills. This type of portfolio is usually presented to art directors or clients to give them an idea of your technical skills and your capabilities. This is not the way to present material for Shadow & Light Magazine (or many other publications for that matter). Do not send images with watermarks on them.

The second approach is creating a coherent body of work about an idea, a place, a theme, a person, or a concept. You probably already have themes or concepts that run through your work. Find those and submit them. Do not mix color and black-and-white images, or landscape work and portraits, for example.

Deciding what to include in a portfolio can be a daunting task. Usually the person who created the work is the least objective about the work. It can be helpful to have someone who is not connected to the work help you evaluate it. Ask friends and/or colleagues to help you edit. On many occasions, objective eyes are the best judges. They have no investment and no reason to pick one image over another. They will only pick images that are the most compelling. This is the same approach that the juror will take.

shadow-and-light-magazine-computer-person-2Technical: Once you have chosen the images you are going to submit to Shadow & Light Magazine you need to prepare the images according to the submission guidelines for that particular call for entry. If your submission fails to meet any of the technical guidelines your submission may be rejected.

Quantity: For Showcase Portfolio submissions you need to submit 10 images. Don’t submit more images and assume that the jurors will sort things out.

Deadlines: There are no deadlines. A good thing to consider is that if the editorial staff does not select your portfolio for publication, the chances are good that one of your images might be selected for a future Single Image Showcase.

Specifications: There are technical considerations to assembling a publication. In order to meet those considerations we have developed certain sizes and formats that images need to be submitted in to be most effective.

File Format: There is only one correct format in which to submit your image(s): First initial, last name: tanderson-01. That’s it! You can change the “01” portion to allow for multiple images, sequentially: 02, 03, 04, etc. Size: 8.5×11-inches or equivalent at 300dpi. Please include titles (if used) with your submission. If you don’t use titles the image will not be captioned.

Call-for-entry: Showcase Portfolio
Selected portfolios will be published as desired by publisher
If a portfolio is declined as a unit, publisher may include single images in magazines
Make sure the images represent a cohesive body of work
Images can be created by any photographically-based process
Images must be from work that has been done within the last three years
Sizes: all work submitted must be 8.5×12-inches (or equivalent), sRGB, 300dpi
All work can be submitted in multiple downloads
Titles must accompany submission

Special Offer Fee: $5/10 images, for a limited time…

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Once payment is completed, you can send me an email ([email protected]) with the images attached, or if you have any questions, send them to the same email address.

Note: Structure and/or fees of the categories above are subject to change or modification.

For any submission process we will not accept the following:
• Full-frontal nudity
• Nude images of people under the age of 18.
• Violent acts against anybody or any thing
If you question our acceptance of any image, it would probably be best to not submit that picture.

Usage Rights: Each artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use. By submission for jurying, artists whose submissions are chosen for publication grant Shadow & Light Magazine the right to use their images for the purpose of promotion and publicity, promoting the artist and possible display on the website of Shadow & Light Magazine, and its properties. Promotions and images may also be placed on social networks for Shadow & Light Magazine and its properties with artist credit. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from Shadow & Light Magazine.

If you have any questions about any part of the process, please click on the “Contact” tab at the top of this page.



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